Kristen Bell, Kelsey Grammer And Seth Rogen Team Up In Trailer For Netflix Comedy ‘Like Father’

You all remember Forgetting Sarah Marshall, right? The 2008 comedy starring Jason Segel as a man who gets dumped by his girlfriend (Kristen Bell) and has trouble moving on because he spots her with her new boyfriend while on vacation in Hawaii.

Well, Bell is playing a sorta reversed role in the upcoming Netflix comedy, Like Father.

In the romantic comedy, Bell plays a workaholic exec who gets left at the altar and ends up on her honeymoon cruise with her estranged father, played by Kelsey Grammer. Seth Rogen plays her love interest in the film.

This movie won’t win any awards or change the way you think, but it’ll definitely keep you entertained on a lonely Friday night.

Check out the trailer below. It’ll be released on Netflix August 3, 2018.

Movie Review: The Expendables 3 – Makes the First two look like Film Masterpieces.

expendable 2014

I have to caveat this review with: If you are a senseless violence, explosion, action movie, big budget film fan, then ignore this review and go see the movie. Despite the review if there was an Expendables 8, I would be there the first day.  The below is me putting on my film critic hat.

I try to check out every single Sylvester Stallone flick because I love watching a good train wreck. Stallone is men’s answer to Madonna. He refuses to accept the fact that he is no longer 27 and can’t play the same rolls anymore. Instead, he desperately clutches onto his last vestiges of youth. It’s really an undignified, but utterly fascinating struggle.

In this third installment, Barney (Stallone), Christmas (Statham) and the rest of the team come face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who from his last name and the fact that he’s played by Mel Gibson, is obviously a bag guy. Once upon a time, Barney and Stonebanks were the best of friends, right up until Stonebanks because a ruthless arms trader. This time, Barney destroys the purpose of the Expendables in the first place, by bringing in a bunch of new kids who can actually do the job.

The whole reason the Expendables was even watchable was thrown out in this movie. The Expendables are supposed to be a bunch of old men that no one cares about anymore. In order to breathe new life into a tired premise, as well as give us some younger than 50 boob shots, a bunch of younger more tech savvy (and flexible in the morning) people are hired.

Which kind of eliminates the need for the Expendables.



Is it just me, or does Stallone’s face not move anymore? I swear to God, I did not see it move once during this film. Whether he was shooting down bad guys with an AK-47, or catching up on American Idol, Barney wore one expression. It was the slightly surprised look of a fading star in his 50s who got a too tight facelift.

Mel Gibson seems to be embracing these villain rolls, but he doesn’t really have a choice. I mean, when you go off on an anti-Semitic tirade against an industry that’s like 90% Jewish, you’re going to get type cast as a villain. But I think Gibson might have found his calling. I like him so much more now that he admits he’s evil.

The newbie’s in this film are a bunch of forgettable eye candy, there to keep younger viewers watching.

The Expendables was never high art, but the third installment of the series makes the first two look like Schindler’s List. This really was a poor effort and a shameless money grab.

I’m a bit disappointed in the fact that Lionsgate would even put this out as is. This is an action franchise that had a great premise. It was the premise that kept people coming back, when Stallone’s rubber face would have scared them away. To completely change the formula in the third installment smacks of desperation. Perhaps Lionsgate is losing faith in their dying franchise.

It isn’t dead yet though. The Expendables 3 is currently performing at number 4 in the box office, having earned a little over $15 million. Despite those numbers I have to say, the Expendables 3 is utterly…expendable.

WE GAVE IT: 2.5 Stars – Watch the Official Trailer and Official Movie Poster below!



[youtube id=”EhjRZDLOW7Y” width=”633″ height=”356″]

The-Expendables-3 (1)

Movie Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Transformers Age of Extinction - Movie PosterIt was a high budget art film; shot by George Bush

2.5 Stars

The fourth sequel of the blockbuster series “Transformers” came out last Friday and quickly shot to the top of the charts, garnering nearly $100 million in its opening weekend. So it just hype, or is Transformers: Age of Extinction really that good?

We start off where we usually start off in a Transformers movie. The town has gone to crap and an evil new villain is planning on changing the course of history. Then, a cast of humans, lead by the ever foxy Marc Walberg teams up with Optimus Prime and the Autobots rise to save the world, yet again.

And it still takes them one hundred and sixty six minutes. Seriously, 2 and a half friggen hours of the same damn thing yet again. Because that’s what it really was. It was the same exact thing as the last three Transformer movers. The only thing changing is the cast.

Also, question. Was Michael Bay trying to make an art film? If not, what was with all the sun set shots? Transformers 4 kind of felt like it was a high budget art film; shot by George Bush. Over the top patriotism and American flags abound, because let’s not forget that America is the center of the universe…even when half the flipping movie is set in China.

I didn’t understand that at all. What did China have to do with anything? I’m serious, someone please explain to me why they went to China, because I totally missed that plot point.

Transformers Age of Extinction 3

I will say Mark Wahlberg was pretty great, but he’s always been great. I really haven’t seen that guy fail yet, even when he gets cast in a terrible movie. All the other players were entirely forgettable. I’m pretty sure they threw another hot girl in there, to play the spunky eye-candy heroine, but I really didn’t find her that memorable. She was no Megan Fox and I didn’t find her character that interesting. She did the whole ‘damsel in distress’ thing a few times and I really didn’t care if she made it or not.

Also, the Autobots, who were once buddy-buddy with the humans are now a threat and are being hunted by the government. Screw plot continuity, Michael Bay needs more conflict!

Of course, this did allow of the excellent addition of Kelsey Grammer as the CIA op in charge of hunting down the Autobots.


Transformers Age of Extinction 2

As if this pile of garbage wasn’t going to make a ton of money anyway, the makers decided to cram in as much product placement as humanly possibly. Everything from Bud Lite to Ford F150s make an appearance.

The movie really should have been called Transformers 4: Brought to You by Red Bull. I understand a little bit of product placement, but the placement I saw in this movie was astonishingly bad and obvious.


Apparently, Bay is threatening to produce two more of these atrocities. Yeah people, this is just the start of yet another trilogy. You know why he’s doing this, right? He needs to raise enough money to produce his own army of evil robots so he can take over the world.

Stop playing right into his hands!        Watch the Official Trailer Below:

[youtube id=”CKD5SNYUpUk” width=”633″ height=”356″]


The First Full ‘Expendables 3’ Trailer – Makes Getting Old Look Fun!


With the premiere coming just a few months away, Lionsgate decided to give us a little more than a sneak peek by releasing the first full trailer.  Until now we have just been watching and rewatching the roll call teaser trailer.  To say that this is an all star cast is putting it lightly, the net worth of this cast alone is probably more than the national debt.

I think what I like most about the Expendables franchise is that it knows what it is.  It knows it’s cheesy and over the top and in the third installment they continue to embrace both of these.  The trailer shows Mel Gibson as Conrad Stonebacks and it’s clear he is the bad guy.  It also makes a few things clear; there are more stars, more explosions and more cheesy one liners – so if you liked the first two, then number 3 will not disappoint.

With a release date of August 15, as the caption says, Let’s “Get Ready for One Last Run”.   Watch the trailer below.

[youtube id=”sTte6BQndTQ” width=”633″ height=”356″]


Two More Bad Ass Photos from the set of ‘Expendables 3’

Expendables 3 Logo

Forgive me for getting overly excited about this movie, but it’s hard not to. This is probably the most fun that you will ever have making a movie. This is everything that these guys ever dreamed about in a movie, a huge budget and absolutely no pressure to make a good film. Basically even if they fail they succeed. This is the type of movie that you go to, leave your brain at home and watch the action heroes do work.

[toggle title=”OFFICIAL MOVIE SYNOPSIS”]In The Expendables 3, Barney (Stallone), Christmas (Statham) and the rest of the team comes face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill… or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables — but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.[/toggle]

Before I sell this movie too short, it is directed by Patrick Hughes who did “Red Hill” and the screenplay was written by Rothenberger, Benedikt (of ‘Olympus Has Fallen’) and Stallone,
How bad ass are the photos below….and in case you missed the “Roll Call” trailer we got that below too.



[youtube id=”5bPJrbzjLls” width=”633″ height=”356″]

Expendables 3: New Roll Call Video Release and 16 Character Posters!


I have no idea what the payroll looks like for Expendables 3 but it consists of some of the biggest stars ever.  The only person that is not in this movie is me.  With the release of 16 character posters you are bound to see someone that will make you go see this flick.  Even I was surprised when I saw Kelsey Grammer!!

With the exception of the Entourage Movie, this has to be the best movie set to work on ever!  This movie to me doesn’t seem to be about egos, awards, or even acting.  It’s about making a blockbuster movie for the sake of making a block buster movie.

The results just have to be fantastic.  Not fantastic from a classical film perspective but from a senseless violence, crappy one liners, cameos, muscles and babes perspective.

The movie hits theaters on August 15th.  Here is the Roll Call video and the black and White movie posters below!  Enjoy.

[youtube id=”5bPJrbzjLls” width=”633″ height=”356″]


Expendables3 Kellan Lutz

Expendables3 - Jason stathom

Expendables3 Dolph Lundgren

Expendables3 Randy Couture


Expendables3 Kelsey Grammar

Expendables3 Ronda Roussey

Expendables3 Wesley Snipes

Expendables3 Mel Gibson

Expendables3 Victor Ortiz

Expendables3 Slyvester Stallone

Expendables3 Glen Powell

Expendables3 Harrison Ford

Expendables3 Jet Li

Expendables3 Terry Crews

Expendables3 Antonio Banderas

Transformers: Age of Extinction Full Length Official Trailer Released and 2 Movie Posters


In what is shaping up to be a great year for movies, Paramount has finally given fans the first Trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction.  If you are thinking, “Hey didn’t I see the trailer already?”, you are probably referring to the 30 second teaser that we were treated to during the Super Bowl.

What you will see below is the full 2 minute 33 second version that already has 6 million views!  Say bye bye to Shia and hello to Wahlberg.  With Wahlbeg comes the Dinobots, Kelsey Grammer and Peter Cullen and in typical Michael Bay fashion more action and of course more explosions!

The two new movie posters can be seen under the trailer!  “More than meets the Eye” – I couldn’t resist. 

[toggle title=”Official Movie Synopsis”]After the events in the third film, the humans no longer trusts the Transformers and wages a global military crusade to exterminate them all, including the Autobots. Four years later, when Cade Yeager, a struggling inventor, and his daughter discover Optimus Prime, they bring down Autobots, Decepticons and a paranoid government official on them. However, the newly developed robots gain self-awareness and turn against the human race. Toppled with that, the Decepticons have become stronger than before, overwhelming the humans, and preparing to purge them into extinction. Cade, Optimus Prime and the remaining Autobots must band together and align with the ancient Dinobots to save their home.  courtesy of Wikipedia[/toggle]

[youtube id=”ubGpDoyJvmI” width=”633″ height=”356″]

