Movie Review: Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 – A whole butt-load of fluff and Fodder


Very few new releases came out this past Friday, as it seems very few movie makers were willing to go up against the third installment of the Hunger Games. Considering the fact that the last wildly successful movie ended in a cliff hanger, it’s not surprising that the continuation is crushing it at the box office.

In Mockingjay, we again meet up with Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) shortly after she straight up wrecked the giant Hunger Games bubble. She travels to the highly secretive District 13, where she meets up with President Colin (Julienne Moore), while the District prepares for war….that we really won’t get to see because they split the last movie into two separate movies.

I’m going to say it. It was a cheap, sleazy move. Yes, it worked for Twilight, but that was because the final book in the Twilight series was twice as long as the other books and had two distinct parts. This was not the case with the novel Mockingjay was based on. In fact, it might have actually been shorter than the first two books.

So enter a whole butt-load of fluff and fodder to force this into a two parter, no matter how unnecessary. There’s lots of sitting around in war rooms, strategizing and trying to figure out how to cash in on Katniss’ reluctant hero routine. Much of it feels repetitive and dragged out. This movie is by no means as exciting as the first two.



I’m going to say this, despite my love for the lead in this film. Jennifer Lawrence, you’re getting too old for this sh@t. When the star signed on for the trilogy, she was still in the ingénue stage and was perfect for the part. But after several years, and many more mature rolls, I’m just not feeling it anymore.

The action scenes are played out. Every single district looks the same, as Katniss scales piles of bones and rubble, all while looking sad and world weary.

The late great Phillip Seymour Hoffman is featured heavily in this film, and his sardonic commentary helps break of the monotony. In addition, they’ve added in Elizabeth Banks’ character, though she’s been deglamorized. Both are a welcome breath of air in a heavy movie that felt a bit more like Wag the Dog then an adaptation of a dystopian young adult novel.


The movie ends on a sour note, with Katniss not even taking part in the most exciting battle scene. Well, I mean, she watches it on a TV, but it’s not really the same as watching her going all “Rambo with a Bow”. Again, this was a result of splitting the movie. Looks like we’re going to have to wait for the unnecessary fourth installment to see her in action.

While not as exciting as the first two, Mockingjay Part 1 still carries forward the same SE quality and acting chops, so it’s not a total letdown. Let down least of all are the producers, who raked in an impressive $120 million on the opening weekend.

WE GAVE IT: 3.5 Stars – Watch the Official Trailer and Official Movie Poster below!

3.5 stars


[youtube id=”3PkkHsuMrho” width=”639″ height=”359″]



‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay’ Reveals District 13 Logo, New Website and Character Posters!



Lionsgate revealed some good new fashioned viral marketing. They released a logo of District 13 and some long awaited character posters.

While Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character is there along with Beetee I noticed that Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss was missing as well as Liam Hemsworth’s Gale character.  This leads me to believe that the folks at Lionsgate are not done yet.

Along with the pics, they have launched their new viral site:  If you are complaining about the .in instead of .com then you don’t get the clever reference to the President.  “COIN”!  Well played Ms. President, Well Played.

All that appears there right now is static, a small rendering of the District 13 logo, and a big QR code.  If you scan the code with your phone, it takes you to the mobile site where you can login via social media using facebook or twitter.  Then you do a little work to get the posters.

I’m sure there will be more to come.  We have a full 105 days to the movies November 21st release.

[toggle title=”OFFICIAL MOVIE SYNOPSIS”]Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) finds herself in District 13 after she destroys the Games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin (Julianne Moore) and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her wings as she fights to save Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) and a nation moved by her courage.[/toggle]

Teaser Trailer and 6 Character Posters and Log Below – Enjoy

[youtube id=”JfrJFtEwucc” width=”633″ height=”356″]



The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Coin-425x630 The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Effie-425x630 The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Finnick The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Haymitch The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Plutarch The-Hunger-Games-Mockingjay-Poster-Beetee