‘The Interview’ Will Stream On Netflix In Just A Few Days, Get The Details Inside!


Are you sick of hearing about The Interview? You are not alone. Constantly writing about this film and the controversy surrounding it has made me physically ill. Honestly. My head hurts, I can’t concentrate, and I am feeling really nauseous at the moment. I know that sounds like a Hangover, but I recovered from that film years ago.


Anyway, we have one more piece of information about this film to share with you all. It was announced earlier this week that The Interview will begin streaming on Netflix in Canada and the U.S. on January 24. Some of you may remember that Netflix tried to get the rights in December; however, Sony wasn’t ready at the time because they were trying to maximize the amount of money they were receiving from VOD sales.

In total, The Interview, has earned more than $40 million in satellite, telecom, cable, and online VOD sales. And while that number is close to the $44 million it cost to produce the film, it’s still not close to touching the extra $30 million in promotion.

But with this added Netflix deal, maybe they will inch closer to breaking even. That’s great news for Sony, especially when you consider the fact that most critics have slammed the movie.

So yeah, if you still haven’t seen the flick, you can watch it on Netflix this weekend. If you are interested in actually watching some decent films on Netflix, we suggest you click here to check out our top 10 list for January.